NL Chemical Technology Inc.
Expert in Membrane Technology for Water Treatment

NLCT-Expert in Membrane Technology
Founded by Dr. Norman Li, 1995.
A broad portfolio of RO/NF water treatment membrane technologies to address the most demanding applications
Unique business model which allows for technology licensing and turn-key production operation
Superior Membrane technology that has been validated in commercial scale high volume manufacturing
Advanced membrane for high growth and attractive water treatment and desalination markets
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Major milestones in latest project execution
May 8, 2023
NLCT has recently licensed its cutting-edge membrane technology to a top Fortune Global 500 corporation and helped the customer build an advanced modern membrane manufacturing facility. The membrane technology transfer project has now achieved several major milestones.
The capacity of the membrane plant has been successfully demonstrated in continuous operation.
The new RO/NF membrane products have shown performance equal to or better than the present top brands in the market.
The new generation of RO membrane elements have been used in multiple wastewater treatment plants for reclamation of wastewater from petrochemical production and refining operations and delivered stable and strong performances.
The new generation of Nanofiltration (NF) membrane product made a remarkable debut in 2023 and has been successfully implemented in a large-scale municipal landfill leachate treatment facility. The quality of the produced water has been approved by its authoritative department. Notably, the flux of the NF elements outperformed world-class competitors, cementing its position as a top-tier option for customers seeking the very best.